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Number Skills

Social-Emotional Skills

Listening skills



Songs and the joyful repetition of them can introduce an infant to vocabulary faster with more confidence than any other method. The songs on the recording of Lullabies, Action Songs and Rhymes represent thousands of words. Repeated daily for a number years, they provide an amazing basis for essential vocabulary. Initially, some of the words are not understood but as the songs are repeated, the meanings and curiosity about words motivates the child (and parent) to understand the poetic and artistic meaning in the vocabulary. In the many games associated with the songs and rhymes, numbers and counting appear, sometimes associated with pitch and sometimes associated with volume.

Parents who observe infants closely will be able to see and acknowledge even the smallest steps and effort in the direction of vocabulary and numeracy development. In this way, literacy is facilitated and great enjoyment is attached to the learning.


The infant quickly learns by observation of older children what is acceptable and what is not. The benefit of participation in a class with other children of various ages facilitates the social and emotional development of infants. The outcomes sought by teachers and parents are positive responses to the following questions:

- Does the child meet the teacher without shyness?
- Can the child move away from the parent comfortably?
- Does the child maintain self control throughout the class?
- Does the child share with others?
- Is the child developing independence?
- These and many other simple skills of social and emotional behaviour can be developed over time by participation in a Suzuki Baby class.

If you would like to learn of Suzuki Baby Classes near you, Contact Dorothy Jones at DorothyJones@SuzukiECE.com


The expectant parent creates an environment before the baby is born that is conducive to steady, comfortable growth. By selecting an appropriate single piece of music, and playing it daily throughout the later stages of pregnancy, the prospective parents can help the fetus to be comfortable, relaxed and able to grow. As the ear is the first organ to develop, it has an important role to play in learning. Familiarity with sounds like the parents voices and specific pieces of music can lay the foundation for later learning.

The most important skill is LISTENING. If an infant can make sense of the voices and sounds that surround him/her from before birth, the other senses will have something to help organize, sort out and arrange the countless stimuli in the environment. Repeated sounds are gradually assimilated. From the moment of birth the infant notices and defers to the parental voices as the familiar sounds that were heard while in the womb. Children who have been listening from before birth and are exposed immediately after birth to the sound of the Mozart Violin concerto in A major, for example have been shown to have a “head start” on learning. The confidence and strength of the relationship with the parent is obvious from the outset.

The parents, as the child’s first and most important teachers, are therefore able introduce appropriate behaviour, and skill development at a much earlier age than previously expected.

The importance of listening cannot be overstated. The first task of an infant who hears many sounds in the environment is to separate those that are meaningful and those that can be "overlooked". Repetition and consistent rewards associated with each sound are vital to the early establishment of careful listening. The child who is born knowing the sound of its parents' voices has a head start. Following birth, however, the early development of any skill is dependent on the parents ability to observe and react to various sounds. Consider the parental response to the baby's first utterance of "mama" or "dada". The reward is often great emotional delight expressed by both parents. This is often the first really solid response that a infant gets to confirm that the infant's vocal efforts are noticed. Babies who enjoy listening early will vocalize early. If parents respond to the baby's early vocalizations, the baby will repeat the same sounds with great enjoyment. The parent is indeed the child's first and most important teacher.

The Home CD

Purchase Lullabies Action Songs and Rhymes

This recording will help you help your baby learn many words, actions and cooperative behaviour while dramatically increasing vocabulary and communication skills.


One of the earliest responses of an infant is to the "POP" of Pop Goes the Weasel. It is anticipated by infants at a very early age. The repetition of these simple songs with the actions can encourage the child and assist in confidence building in social situations. When the parent observes the anticipation in the child, there is strong communication reinforced by the repetition of the song and activity.